China has defeated the Covid19
- Categories:NEWS
- Author:Jason Wei
- Origin:Sanli
- Time of issue:2020-04-02
- Views:28
(Summary description)Byfar,ChinahasdefeatedtheCovid19.TherehavebeennonewcasesinChinaforseveraldays.Atpresent,thefocusofChina'sepidemicpreventionistoimportpersonnelfromabroad.AttheendofJanuarythisyear,theoutbreakoftheCovid
China has defeated the Covid19
(Summary description)Byfar,ChinahasdefeatedtheCovid19.TherehavebeennonewcasesinChinaforseveraldays.Atpresent,thefocusofChina'sepidemicpreventionistoimportpersonnelfromabroad.AttheendofJanuarythisyear,theoutbreakoftheCovid
- Categories:NEWS
- Author:Jason Wei
- Origin:Sanli
- Time of issue:2020-04-02
- Views:28
By far, China has defeated the Covid19. There have been no new cases in China for several days. At present, the focus of China's epidemic prevention is to import personnel from abroad.
At the end of January this year, the outbreak of the Covid19 began, and China began a comprehensive isolation. Factories were shut down, shops were closed, and residents were isolated at home, which brought huge losses to China. Now think about it. These measures are right. We have successfully blocked the transmission of the Covid19.
Because of the characteristics of political system, China has large advantages in overcoming the Covid19. there are developed online shopping channels in China, although people are isolated at home, some necessities for daily life can be purchased from the Internet. At the same time, The China government has done more work, such as preventing price rise, traffic control, promotion of online office / learning app and free treatment for sick people.
Each country should formulate epidemic prevention measures according to its own national conditions, rather than copy China's model. Otherwise, it may backfire and cause greater social unrest.
It took China one month to successfully defeat the Covid19. Therefore, we must believe that as long as the measures are correct, we will soon control the epidemic situation of Covid19. Please don't panic or be afraid. As long as we unite and cooperate with the government's policies, we will surely return to normal life as soon as possible.
During the outbreak of the Covid19 in China, many countries have given China assistance and encouragement. Now our Chinese government is organizing enterprises to produce epidemic prevention materials. For friendly countries that have helped us, China will do its best to help you. There is a famous saying in China that " The favour of drop water, should be reported by the gushing spring.".
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